Thursday, March 09, 2006

HUNAGI message on GI technologies as driver for creating new jobs

Ms. Maria Joao Rodriguez Special Commissioner responsible for the Lisbon Strategy of the European Commission Image: HUNAGI Visual Resources

EESC Conference on the Lisbon Strategy and the role of the organised civil society organisations on 9-10 March 2006 in Budapest
HUNAGI SG was invited and made the following contribution in the employment context:
...Among the advanced technologies there are three dedicated ones, which are - according to recent US think tanks - not only beneficial for the economic growth in the next two decades, but are contributing significantly to the creation of new jobs in the SMEs The three technologies are as follow: biotechnology, nanotechnology and technology related to geo-information ie. spatial data and its infrastructure.
HUNAGI is a networking umbrella organisation of more than 100 institutions, who are representing the academic, governmental and private sectors as well as the NGOs interested in the development or use of GIs, or are involved in the associated knowledge transfer.
In order to create new jobs, the spatial data infrastructure has to be established and operated. In this context a dialog between the government and the NGOs has been evoluted and the SDI strategy elaboration is in the final stage. The question is, how the European Economic and Social Committee want to mobilise the GI community on European level to facilitate the reach of the Lisbon goals. Symbolically, the headquarters of the European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information is located in Lisbon...

The EESC forms a bridge between Europe and organised civil society. More info:


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